Toolkit for a MI Grandmaster

Congratulations on bring elected to preside over a Grand Council of Cryptic Masons. As part of your tenure, we hope that you will introduce and promote the CMMRF. This entire web site is designed to provide talking points for our cause, our progress and our vision for the future. In addition, we’ve created a Toolkit for you, the MIGM, to provide specific ways to aid and assist CMMRF during your term.

Per Capita Assessments

The single most important decision a Grand Council can make is to dedicate their entire jurisdiction to make a “per capita” donation to the Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation. This donation, based upon the number of members in each constituent Council, establishes a continuing promise to support the work and research of CMMRF. Such assessments become a part of the Grand Laws of the jurisdiction and are typically included in the Annual Report of a constituent Council to it’s Grand body.

Sample Grand Law Addendum

There  shall  be  an  assessment  in  the  amount  of One  Dollar  ($1.00)  for  each  name  borne  on  the  rolls, except those  members  who purchased perpetual  memberships prior to April 25, 1990, as an annual  contribution to the Cryptic Mason Medical Research Foundation, Inc., which donation is tax deductible to the member, for the use and promotion of our philanthropy.
Source: The Grand Council of Cryptic Masons Of Oklahoma Grand Laws, Article 6, Section 1.1

Special Recognition for CMMRF Donations

Second to a per capita assessment, Grand Jurisdictions are encouraged to request a specific-amount donation from each member, on their annual dues statement. The Grand Council of Missouri asks for a $3.65 donation (“A penny a day”) and recognizes each member that meets the request with a special sticker, to be placed on their dues card.

Council Recorders are to ask each member on their annual dues statement to remit at least $3.65 (a penny-a-day) towards CMMRF. For making this donation, the Recorder is to affix a “Penny-a-Day” CEF sticker to each contributor’s dues card.
Source: Missouri York Rite Charities brochure

Special Events for CMMRF Donations

Finally, a fundraising event can be held to benefit the Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation.

Ride for CMMRF

The Grand Council of Kentucky held the first Ride for CMMRF in September 2018. This fundraiser, sponsored by the Kentucky Widows Sons, included a meal, poker run and 50/50 drawing.

The Royal Order of Zanzibar

One example is the Royal Order of Zanzibar,developed by the Grand Council of Indiana.

We raised more than $1000 for CMMRF in 90 minutes. Dennis Smith, Illustrious Master of The Mysterious Nine Council


The Royal Order of Zanzibar is a fun “side degree” that exists entirely for the benefit of the Cryptic Masons Medical Foundation. The lighthearted degree, in which can include significant others, combines humor and entertainment while raising funds entirely to benefit CMMRF. The Order was established in 1985.

Items sold to benefit CMMRF:

  1. Fee to receive the Royal Order of Zanzibar (includes lifetime membership)
  2. Royal Order of Zanzibar pins and patches
  3. Royal Order of Zanzibar “Grand Representative” Certificates to any jurisdiction the candidate desires