
Please note: Online donations must use Edge, Firefox, Safari or Chrome.

CMMRF 501c3 Tax ID: 73-127-2099

Online Donation

Cryptic Mason Donation

Mail Donations

Cryptic Mason Medical Research Foundation
PO Box 210
Brownsburg IN, 46112-0210

Marion Crum Fellowship

Donation Ideas

Shopping Experiences - Levels - In Memory Cards

Bequeath Donation

For those donors wishing to bequeath a gift to CMMRF upon their death, we suggest adding the following statement to your will:

“I give, devise, and bequeath (% or dollar amount) of my estate to the Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation with principal offices located in Brownsburg, Indiana, to be utilized for the benefit of the Cryptic Masons Medical Research Foundation and their research programs.”

Memorial Donation

In MemoryIn Memory of Donations

The person you specify will receive this memorial card with your name listed in the from line.

Click Image to Enlarge

Honorarium Donations

In HonorA Gift in Honor of Donations

The person you specify will receive this in honor card with your name listed in the from line.

Click Image to Enlarge

High Donor Level Pins

These new pins are available for high level donors.

15 Stones

45 Stones

After 20 stones are achieved with the base pin, then a “wrapper”
is added to the pin and additional stones are accumulated.

Donor Recognition Program

Because we appreciate your generosity, appropriate lapel pins and plaques are awarded based on cumulative totals.

Pin Designs

$50 -Bronze Lapel Pin
$100 -Bronze Lapel Pin with Stone
$150 -Silver Lapel Pin
$300 -Silver Lapel Pin with Stone
$500 -Gold Lapel Pin
$750 -Gold Lapel Pin with Stone
$1,000 -Nine Arch Triangle Plaque & Gold Lapel Pin with 1 Diamond Chip
$2,000 -Gold Lapel Pin with 2 Diamond chips


$1,000 -Nine Arch Triangle Plaque

$2,000 -Extender Bar for Plaque

Each additional $1,000 donation will earn another extender bar for the Council or another diamond chip for the individual.

CMMRF Lapel Pin with Diamonds

CMMRF Lapel Pins with Stones

CMMRF Lapel Pins no stones